Continue ReadingNotice is hereby informed that a meeting of Sub-Committee for shortlisting of candidates for bank appraisal under Stand Up category of Manipur Start-Up scheme for the year 2020-21 is scheduled to be held on 31st May and 1st June 2022 at 09:30 am at Conference Hall of Planning Department, Babupara, Imphal.
Continue ReadingList of Revenue Stage Applicants whose Virtual Conference (VC) / Online Interview is scheduled on 31st December 2021. Please click here for the list and details of the VC meetings.
Continue ReadingList of selected beneficiaries as Supplementary / Second List under Idea Stage Category of Manipur Startup Scheme (Round – IV) for Innovative and Special COVID pandemic economic support
Continue ReadingList of Idea Stage Round II who claimed for release of 2nd Installment, and Virtual Conference (VC) / Online Interview is scheduled from 8th & 9th December 2021. Please click here for the list and details of the VC meetings.